My Results:D


Here to update my results…which I AM NOT SATISFIED

English – 61/100 (B4) [First time get B4 worx:]

Higher Mother Tongue & Chinese – 52/100 (C6) [First time get so low lorx):]

Additional Mathematics – 8/100 (F9) [Haha…Shock ritex…CAUSE MR. W** Teaching SUCKS:)jkjk…Just i dont noe wat he was talking nia:]

Elementary Mathematics – 64/100 (B4)

Pure Chemistry – 53.9/100 (C6) [Damm lousy larx…cause one day i sick nvr take one so easy test then get so low…Wait…ITS 56.6/100…SHE COUNT WRONGLY…AH!!!]

Combined Science (Physics & Biology) – 65.1 (B3)

Combined Humanities (History & Social Studies) – 58/100 (C5) [ Cause Social Studies failed by one mark… if not B4 lorx…]

Done… tats is all my result update… overall 406/700…but like count wrongly leh… haiisx.. dun care barx:)

Anyway…L1R5 28( so low)…So the not satisfied lorx!!!haiisx):


Nw can rest for like 8 more days…shiok ah~~~:P

But still nid to go band for 2 days.. 4 hours each day.. haiisx…but nbm…hahaxD…

Holiday must loss weight..:>

I Want to sing… haiisx…

Ltr i posting some survey i found…ya..:)


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