Haisx.. Holiday…

Hiasx… Holiday so so the damm bored lorx..

Yesterday i went for Band… Haisx.. Made me fall sick..

so i nvr post drop by my blog.. haisx haisx**


This is wat happen…erm..(i nvr take any pics.. ya..cause was like so the damm sick lorx.. ya..glad that eux all understand:D)..

i went for band after i give the items that my customers order from me..

then.. went for band.. i thought i was late.. but i was early.. early by an hour lorx.. haisx..**

i was ike poured by the rain.. almost all my clothes are wet.. haisx..**

during band.. my mood swing made me turn siaoxx.. x.x.. (sry to the ppl that i argue with u or wat so ever.. cause i moodswinged… ya :D)

i having fever half way during the band practice.. head was like so so the pain lorx.. but cant do anything..

after band practice finishes.. i rushed home.. cause i cant take it any more..

at the bus.. i was not having headache anymore.. :D:D:D i was..

but when arrived at home..

i was damm the hungry larx..

then go bath..

after that headahe again..


wake up half way..

VOMITTED.. x.x..

so the 心苦.. haha.. dun noe i write correct marx.. hehe

wake up in the morning so early.. cause got one malay or indian painter want to paint my hse the front door then nknock on my door.. haisx.. ***


just wanted to make others noe i havent died yet.. so blog lorx;;;

i like talking rubbish nw..haha.. posting quiz barx.. hehe..

anyway.. buy one haversack bag.. so big and cool larx..


gtg..ltr then post the quiz.. heheh

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