Sry for not posting~~

sry guys for not posting for like 2 day.. ya.. hope tat u will understand:D

i will tell u what i do in tuesday barx:D

and of course yesterday.. hehe:P

here i go..

morning i wake up..ate carrot cake..

then i do one thing.. go meet supplier.. she like cheat me lorx.. haisx.. wasted $30 something dollars.. haisx.. somemore at so so far lorx.. haisx..

then go skul for cca.. for?.. BAND larx.. of course.. hehehe


wat i do arh??


forgot le worx.. just whole body wet as its raining cats.. and dogs.. ya

haisx.. some photo of it.. no mood so take this few bo liao pics..

ya.. must put.. or else wasted.. ya.. hehehe..:D


So lonely.. one person walk in the middle of the rain.. haisx..


Raining so heavily..(cant saw any rain as my camera sucks..x.x)



Water!! Hehehe.. Brings Luck :D

*Photo quality not good.. Sorry..*

Ok.. just post these few pics..

so tired larx..

as it’s like going to 4 am le..


ok gtg.. gd nite..

cya all in the nxt nxt post :D

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