Went out tdy to vivo to make myself alive from the outside world.
Saw plenty of things i want t0 buy.
But… I forget to bring my credit & debit cards to *SWIPE*.
TEEHEE, so didn’t buy any.
For my brunch, i dine at Imperial Herbal.
Was actually no appetite but still, I ATE ALOT.
After that, went back home with my newly bought WEBCAM.
, 8).
Camwhored after that like siao!
Insanely 70 pictures?
I thought i’m a newbie.
As other people will say…
70 nia! Chey! LOL. 😛
But nvm, i CAN be better.
Alright, no more craps to crap around.
Singaporeans’ surely fail their Chinese like damm ‘JIALAT ‘!
(FYI: Correct writing in chinese should be 蜡笔小新!)