Dear Crush…


Image Credit:- Tumblr Image

iPhone4 White!

Got my new iPhone4 white today!
YAY! \o/

Mr Gentry?

I am a Mr Gentry!
Proud and honor to be one!
You can choose to believe it or not.
Cause I don’t give a damn!


Wa ta shi wa Edwin de su!!
Ha ji mi ma shi de!!!



Had my first jap lesson and it was rather.. interesting?
Looking forward to learn more~ :)

BIT Pre-Orientation Outing.

Had BIT Pre-Orientation Outing w/ fellow course mates on Monday @Marina Barrage.


What can I say?
Fun, awesome and great!


Had ice breaking game when we reached there.
Julian’s ‘Ging gong gang gong, ging gong gang gong, yeah!’ game was (Y).
And oh, didn’t get any forfeit at all cause I was rather ‘heng’ ? :O




After that, played ‘Cheatand had mini picnics (Snacks).





During lunch, we ordered McDonald to eat.
But unfortunately, it rained and we have to cramp at the shelter there for lunch.





Then decided to find a place to sit down and play ‘Murderer’.
:( I’m always the victim and get killed.



Though its just a small group of us that we’ve tried our best to gather together for the outing…
But we had FUN!


Hope there’s more of this on the upcoming future~