It’s Sunday~! :D/D:


Sighs, there’s school tmr.
Weekend, can you be longer in terms of days?


Well, went to Chinatown Market with grandma &cousin during the day.
Saw Tselay at there, Woahs!


Bought foods & stuffs.


(Y), gonna be my favourite food for the month/year.
Lols, xD.

Hmmm, slack for the whole day after that.

Grandma: You don’t look like a sec 4 student who’s taking olvl tis yr.
Me: *Sadded*.


Watched the Star award.
Overall, not bad.
At least better than last yr’s.

Well, thr’s sch tmr.
Shall go pack my bag & sleep.
Teehee, Nights !



                                                                                                                                                            Btw, I fall in love with tis song tis few weeks.
Thanks to Ms Kong (My English Teacher).
:D, cause she played it during english lesson because the guy had a great pronounciation while singing.
*Green With Envy !*
LOL, xD.


Below is the MTV of the song.
Title: Fireflies
By: Owl City

Enjoy, :D.

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