It’s Raining~

i’m back tu blog again!

yesterday i slept at 2am &woke up at 12pm today..

got a called from my cousin’s askin miie whether i wan tu go tu my dad’s place tu use comp..
should i go use comp or go out with mummy?

ltr goin tu plaza sing there tu collect th band concert ticket from chong boon percussionist, Angie..
(Cancelled Due Tu Raining)

erm..if anyone last minute wan tu go can like tell miie?
cause i think i can get somemore tics for eu..

erm..decided tu like go tu my dad’s house tu use comp..
cause it’s raining!!

so bored seh..
waiting for th cabal tu download finish..
i’m addicted tu..

maybe will like post some of th old pics??
or maybe do some quiz..

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