Hais… Long time never post…

Hais… Long time nevr post le… Miss my blog… Hahaz…

This few days… Happen a lot of things… Haisz…

Wednesday… Band lorz… Haisz…

Thursday… Clean the band room… Haisz…

Friday… Got class test… Maths one…(I pass… Teacher say one… Hahahaz…LolxD…=.-)… Haisz…

Saturday… Nothing special happen… Haisz…

Sunday… Got tuition… Sianz… Haisz…

Monday… Got school… But something happen at night…

I got FOOD POISONING… Need to rest… Inject medicine on my body… Its a really bad day…

Hais… 2day… Tuesday… Rest for one day… Nothing to do… Sianz… Haisz…

Haisz… 2moro can go to school le… Haisz… Miss my classmates…

Haisz… Lazy to post more…

Somemore… Still got exam… Cannot online le… dont miss me!!!!=.-…

Hahaz… Gtg…


Your reporter…


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