What a tiring day! T.T

back tu blog..

1. Go with ah ma tu th chinese physician(i woke up late.. :x)
2. Go collect back my $52 from jiale
3. Go create a posb bank account
4. Go tu my cousin’s office(she dont let miie go.. :x)
5. Go meet angie tu pay her th concert ticket

ok..list out wat i did yesterday..

erm..it’s like has some changes due tu angie th school band end at 5pm..

so..ya..morning i wake up finding myself overslept &my grandma was gone by herself tu th chinese physician..
ya..den i bo bian nth tu do &went tu slp again..

well..i told my cousin dat i before 10am nid tu wake up cause jiale nid pass miie $$..

den she ended up bluffing miie &wake miie up at 9am..

oh well..wat a gd thing she did..

den ltr went tu bukit merah posb bank tu create a saving account..

excited is th only thing i can describe!

ltr my cousin was like tell miie tu think of 6-digit pw tu put..

den i was like kept thinking wat password tu put..
lame shit..

den when home watch tv till like 5pm+?

den went tu meet angie for th concert tics..

ya..she was with a guy..

den ltr she saw my ez-link card at a random situation..

well..went home by th shuttle bus from plaza sing tu tiong..

Zzz..dat fucking bus made miie stand &waited for like almost 30mins..

after dat i went tu buy subway..
th ppl super guai4 lan3!

den went home..bath..watch tv..slack..do some designing of shirts..
ya..boring life..

anyway..2moro nid tu go tu my cousin office at 9am..

8more days &11more days tu christmas &my birthday!(:

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