I want huge dimples!! :]

Boo!! Back tu blog again..

well..it’s a tiring day for me today..
ya..after blogging..i went tu eat..bathe..change..

den go tu school tgt with jiale &edmund..
we took a cab there..&reached school at 12.15noon+ i think..

ltr went tu conference hall &waited for yuying sec tu arrive..
ya..joked +crapped alot while waiting..

den dey arrived &soundcheck started..

erm..thought it was ok from th last time when we played..
only some here &there problems &it would be good if everyone dont keep staring at th files &GIVE MORE DYNAMICS CONTRAST!!

ok..ltr was yuying’s turn..
saw tis piccolo guy with a huge dimple!!

erm..i’m like so wanted tu ask how he got a huge dimple lor..

wells..if eu r reading nw or eu r his friend..pls tag me &tell me!!

ok..after dat..say bye &we left..
kinda of miss dem..

well..went back tu school..put down stuffs..when tu eat..&GO HOME!!

ok..i’m so tired nw..ya..
gotta fall aslp soon..

wells..nth much more tu say le..

Tired &fatigue!! DX

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