Dead Beatens! T.Ts.

Hellos everyone.
I’M BACK!!!!
(Gahs, -,-.)

MIA-ED for 9days because got alot things happening &th nxt day i need tu rest.

Well, 2day shall blog abt th ‘Events Happening![:‘ columm at th right side of th blog since idk wat tu blog.
Lols, -,-.


26/5/09; Check Script Day2.
Checked th scripts &all passed!
Most happy abt it was tat i actually passes history &D&T!

Most sad was i get 79/100 for POA nia.
D;, ohwells.

27/5/09; Free Day!(:
Went for free day with 3G’09 @East Coast Park.
[Anyone sees me??]
Lols, ;D.

Okays, i was busying cycling, skating &falling there!!
here’s pic of my fallen leg

hahas, stupid clumsy rite?

29/5/09; Meet-the-parent Session!>&?
Hahas, bet with my family tat i will obtain 3rd again &it came true!

my report book was like so nice-cy?
&you must see th comments.
i bet tat you will laugh until yur ass-sy out-to!!

hahas, gotten 68.2%.
D;, ohwells, work harder!!!

3/6/09; Flag Day!(:
Hahas, had flag day 2day.
T.Ts, f-ing tired sio.

Although tired, but i managed tu helped th children society.

&yah, must thank tat auntie who donated $10 tu me!
&ppl who donated &did not take th sticker larh.
;DDDDDD!!! TYVM!!!!(:

okays, blogged all abt it liao.
erm, it took me 1hr+ to do it.
Lols, so READ IT!!!!

Okays, some photos tu end th post (With Captions).

Me, with a v.ugly face.

Me2, acting sort-of blur~~.

CCA Schedule.
I Like It!;D

My small corner..(sounded so emo)

My nickname, ;D.

Wat a mess?!!??!%^&*(


Yeahs! Page Rank 1, ;D.

btw, bought new phone.
shall blog abt it nxt time.

EDITED @11.04am.
Just nw talk with ex-sl on msn.
read it &you might find it interesting?
Lols, -.-.

hui han says (10:10 PM):
tmr who is going for the sectional
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:10 PM):
erm, idk
no one reply my sms
hui han says (10:10 PM):
all run away
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:10 PM):
idris say he high fever
ehh, help me tell th sec ones leh
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:11 PM):
i dont have their number
hui han says (10:11 PM):
i only got clarissa no
u ask her la
she is online
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:11 PM):
eu ask lar
no thanks
hui han says (10:11 PM):
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:11 PM):
you ask
hui han says (10:11 PM):
is not my business already
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:11 PM):
pls lar
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:12 PM):
actually not my daiji too lorh
i’m th acting sl
hui han says (10:12 PM):
but u still is band member
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:12 PM):
not my daiji
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:13 PM):
i not SL!!!
so not me gonna do
hui han says (10:13 PM):
i not band member
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:13 PM):
yes you are

pls lar
hui han says (10:13 PM):
i graduate liao
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:13 PM):
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:14 PM):
help me leh
see yur same batch ppl larh
hui han says (10:14 PM):
the detail ??
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:14 PM):
erm, i sms you le wat(?)
hui han says (10:14 PM):
like what time ???
hui han says (10:15 PM):
faster , i want to offline liao
‘ ♥ EDWIN`NG ::: 小杰 ♥ ‘ says (10:15 PM):
erm, 9am tu 1pm
ehh, you already offline-ed

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