Mocha Brown(!) ;D.

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_16.50
Photo taken travelling back from Great World tu home, ;D.


Nth special happen today.
woke up at a super late time of almost 1pm(!).

Went out with grandma, cousin &aunt in th afternoon.
go tu th temple tu pray at Geylang.
&had lunch at Great World City.

Lunch at Great World were great.
because i cam-whored alot.
:O(!), lols.

Erm, we lunch at Crystal Jade.

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_15.17

Food was nice &nice.
&had Starbucks after tat.

Drank my usual caramel latte.
thought it would be nicer if th caramel was not tat sweet.

&not too milky.

Cause my first time drink tat was when i’m at Hong Kong last end of th yr with band for performance.

Damm it!
i missed HK nw.

Okays, back tu th topic.
drank half-way &grandma was asking tu go home.
cause she cant miss her 4.30pm show on channel8.
Geess, she’s addicted!
;X, lols.

Den reached home @almost 5pm with grandma’s ganjiong-ness.
cause half of th show had finish.

&yah, did nth much after on.
picasa-ing my photos &pending for my hair tu be dye mocha brown!!

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_17.16

Okays, nth much tu add on but some of th photos i captured.
;D, enjoy!

Photos! ;D.

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_15.08[01]
Me Cam-whoring no.1, ;D.

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_15.09
Erm, randoms, ;P.

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_15.08
Blur Art! ;D.

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_16.09
Me Cam-whoring no.2, ;D.

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_15.13
My leggy, lols.

, on Flickr" href="">P050609_17.52
Cat Fight/Stare?Gathering(?).

, on Flickr" href="">P260309_15.23
Piano, ;D.


S’pore had 13 cases of H1N1.

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