Saturday Boredom.

Hellos peedos!!

Weekend is th week tu look forward.
But it bores me tu death almost(!)

range;">Stuck at home(!), rats(!).
Therefore went out with dad tu do some errands.
Happy for some moments, ltr became angry(!)

Dun feel like waking up tis morning.
Cause there’s tuition(!)

Maths maths maths.
My brain was whirling around with formulas.
Boahs, i really dun like tuition(!), LOLS!.

After tuition..
Went home watch tv &dad ring a call to me.
(:D) was the expression when he called.
He’s going great world tu do errands for mac.
Fyi, my dad is an electrician, it will explain why my dad does errands for mac.

Arcade at Great World.

Shop @Great World
No mood!!

Great world is just so boring nowadays(!)

After tat went eat.
Ya, tat’s when i got scolded.
Cause i forgot which basement my dad parks his car.

Went back home so full!! XoX.
Tired &slpt till i forgot th time.
Went bathing when i woke up.
&Sms after bathing.
:D, ya.

Well, nw i am blogging.
LOLS!, so bored.
T.Ts, think i should go watch tv.
Heys, it’s 11.34pm.
Guessx3(!), :D.
No more for tdy liao, byes!!
Take a break, to see the world better.

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