Bored. :/

Helloooooooooooo everyone!


Bored. :/

Bored. :/

Yes, from the picture above, you can know that i’m extremely BORED.
It’s like seriously, there’s nth to do during the HOLIDAYS.

When don’t have holidays, i wished for some holidays.
When have holidays, i don’t wished for any holidays anymore.

T.Ts, it’s like some  mental thingy.

Well, since tmr’s sunday, i shall make myself to like go OUT.
Hmmm, which should i choose?
… … … … … …

Harry Porter & The Deathly Hallow Part 1?

Watch Harry Porter & The Deathly Hallow Part 1?

Go Universal Studios?

Go Universal Studios?

Kite Flying?

Kite Flying?

Urghhh, hmmm, i think i need to think abt it.
LOL. :D.
But most probably, i might go watch Harry Porter.

Cause Universal Studios & Kite Flying must like plan before the day.
Whereas, watch movies can just go w/o any worries.
So, Teeheee, stay tune to my nxt post to know for the result.

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