Happy Valentine’s Day!

Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day.
It is a day whereby I’ll get jealous because of the fact that I’M SINGLE!

Well, talked to Nathalia & Meichen on Twitter.
And Meichen’s a serious polluter.
Cause she’s so dirty minded, real dirty minded!

Prove of evidence! x)

Prove of evidence! x)

Yeah, see how sicko is she!
Maybe it’s because she has been polluted by the Americans.
Hmmm, I wonder whether will I get so sicko if I migrate to the States.

At night, I went to watch the movie premiere ‘I Am Number Four’ at Cineleisure, courtesy of Nuffnang.

Yup, I will post the full post about the movie tmr as I’m getting tired.
Psps. :D

Okay. Needa to get some beauty sleep.



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