Virgin Free Movie Premiere ; I Am Number Four.

On Monday, Valentine’s Day, I went for the movie premiere of ‘I Am Number Four’, courtesy by Nuffnang.



Starting: –

The starting of the movie was pulse-pounding. I felt the immediate intense and chill bumps on my body when number three was being killed. However, the movie didn’t show how number one and two was being killed. Although I know that they did showed it in the trailer, but it would be nice to show it again because if for those who watched the movie without watching the trailer will felt that isn’t their death suppose to be in sequence? Why did they start the movie with a quick scene of how number three was being killed? Entrance of number six was cool when she was searching for number four’s hideout. The scene of number six walking out of the house with the fire burning behind makes me fall for her.  :X.

Middle: –

The plots of the romance scene were great. It contains some hilarious parts like when number six was kissing Sarah and when Sam’s saying things weird and strange. However, I heard words like ‘Bitch’ which I thought was a little bit vulgar if younger kids watches it. And some of the ‘jokes’ that suppose to be funny maybe a little bit of too profound for younger kids to understand it.

Ending: –

The special effects of the fighting scene were very good and cool. However, the fighting part seems to be too little. In addition, the ending, I felt, was bit too out of the sudden as I thought there would be much more to expect. Some questioning stuff like why did Mark, in the end, turn into a good and nice guy?

Conclusion: –

It is nice to watch with family. The storyline was great with little bit of everything like romance, action, sci-fi and drama. The special effects were great as well. However, I feel that the storyline is predictable and the characters did not shine enough to bring life to the story. In addition, I felt that they like rushed the ending part cause they are focusing on introducing number four. So, i would say it is quite a nice film but not to the extent of very very nice.

So I will rate it…



Image Credits: Google Image & IMDb Trailer Screenshots

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