My Day… Hais…

Hais… Today is a quite… Good… Or bad day?…. Don’t noe larz… But I think I can believe is a good and bad day cause a lot of things happening… LolxD… =.-…

Hais.. 2day wake up… Late again…

At school… During English &Literature lesson… My new Doraemon ganna confiscated… Dunno is ZIJIAN or MARSHALL… But most probably… IS ZIJIAN…

Then… Got the wat History lesson… Mr Mohan say wat got things do… Leave us in the Library…

Then in the Library… Discussing the free day…(which is class outing larz…;)

Finally… Discuss finish… GO SENTOSA… Hais… Go until sian lorz… Hahaz…

After School…

Go up to Miss Huang home room… For remedial… (Erm… Which means never go for Band the wat… Moon cake Festival wat rehearsal… :)

Then… After remedial… I and Glenn go home together… Then James come in join us… But left cause live not same estate… LolxD… =.-…

Then Mr Glenn kept asking me wat should he get for 4th in class… Hais… Pro him… I only get 16th position in class… Hais…

Then went home…. Too tired… Fall asleep…

Wake up… Watch the wat Star Search 2007… Lame show…

Then.. On computer… Ganna angry… Cause dont wat hell reason…

Hais… Got school day… It would be my bad day…

Hais… Feel faster graduate… Then dont need study… Hahaz…

Boo… Tired le…



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