Festivo1 (Band Concert!!)

wake up today abt 9am??
then i lai chuang until 10am++

yesterday wake up at 8am for the band concert.
went to school with jiale and waiyoke.
they bought food from 7-eleven and eat at school.
&i brought food,which my grandma cook in the morning.
actually,it’s instant rice cake.
so just boil it will do.but i still very touched:D.

arrived school &we began to eat.
&realised not much of the band members arrived.
cause its still early.;D

9.20am.we fall in at the foyer.
miss lee came,to my surprise.
then she told us alot of things,some cried and some laugh.==

then we began to move the insturment to the van.
and brought our shoe,shirt etc and set sailed.

the road to singapore poly was like excited, kept talking to athiqah.
cause its my first time performing for band.

reach there,had our soundchecks &practice etc.
then when to eat.
they order nasi lemak.happy!!cause finally inproved on the food le.==
i was like a hungry ghost larx.
cause its like 6 hours since i last ate.
hungry ghost.;D

while we eating,chong boon band was having their soundchecks &stuff.
when i finished changing,i went up to see their practicing.
so cool.i can sae.

ltr had section photos.
but did not had combined band photos
cause no time.

then the big show starting liaosx.
it’s 5pm.
everyone was nervous.
but i am not.
caused used to it le.

bmss went up to the stage first &performed four songs first.
ltr interval,chong boon went up &performed three songs.
then they came down &we perform 3 songs.
then they came up and we performed 2 songs together.

had lots of fun.
thks ppl to come down &support;D

went back to school.
then moody de go home.

go back home.

ok.no more.
cya again nxt time.

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