hello peeps!!

hi peeps!!
back blogging;D.
the week was like so tough lorx.
cause got tonns of stuff to do.
but.i am still alive lar.
as i am blogging nw.==
i cant be dead and blog rite?

ok.back into wat i am suppose to do.
ok.lame.was quite high.
ok.shall start from tuesday!!

ok.its was a good day as festivo 1 had finishes and the holiday,which is yesterday was gd.
nth actually special happen.
ya.hais.i only noe i was sulking my face.
lols.only remember i went for the debate course.
i am like so new lar.haha.
emo at the corner.afterwards.enthusiasm;D.

ok.then i went home.
ok.i guess i previous life was a pig;@).

morning wake up,went to school with a terrible sulking face!!
dunno why.
i was like sulking for the whole day lor.
dunno wat happen to the joker.me i meant.
sulk.sulk.n sulk

then i went to band,quite fun.
i joke and do lots of things.
and found that my sulking face had gone.
after band i was like so tired larx.
went back home i ate.
i am really a natural born pig;D

went to school.
quite happy.
then my biology was relief by miss prema.
she teach very good.
the whole class was like joking all the way.
laughing will spread to the whole class.
atmosphere became GOOD.

woohoo.happy.then went to band.
joke around.
haha.joke outside the band room.
cause mr tan doin sectional with us.
i finally got all my vibraphone parts for sun dancing.
and of course yankee doodle.
then finish when band finish.
i chiong back home and do hw.
haha.i guai kia ok.
dad help me bought pink dolphin and 7-up for 2moro the chemistry experiment.
so excited for 2moro.

ok.today.ITS FRIDAY!!
Triple Science Class And Amaths Class.==
i went to school without my dad drive me.
cause he woke up late.x.x
i guess.

then i took a bus.
and reach school.almost late.

then first period was chemistry.
the experiment was like so fun lurh.
but my pink dolphin i give it to garrick.
cause i guess he nid.
so i gave to him.

then after that was amaths.
its was damm tired!
i had to climb up from the 1st floor to the 5th floor.

then i had to go down to the second floor for my physic lesson.
cause mr.seow wanted us to do an experiment.
i kept cant do the experiment and in the end.
copied the answer from zhijie.
sry mr.seow for copying.really cant do the experiment successful.ya.

then ltr he became angry.
cause the class was like way too noisy.

then recess.ate what my grandma cook for me.;D

then i had my biology lesson.
it’s still miss.prema relief us.
cause mrs.ng pregnant.
so will not come school often.
ya.the class was still noisy and full of laughing all around.
brighten my day!!;D

then i striaghtly go home.
cause 2day no band marx.
cause they say wat for us to have a gd rest.

then i went back home lor.
nth to do.
use comp &blog.

ya.so this is wat happen to me for the week;D.hehe;D
think i will come back blogging tomorow;D
cya 2moro;D
(ps.no photox.x)

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