
Hi peeps.
back from the fun n laughter tuition;D

ok.shall start with today’s blog entry.
i woke up @8.15am.
stomache x.x
went tuu the toilet and came out realising i use the toilet for like 30 mins!!
no wonder my grandma was shouting for the toilet.

then i lai chuang.as usual.
i lai chuang until 12.30pm.
which is like almost 4 hours.

then my grandma was like saying me slp so long and nag nag nag.
but i noe its for my own gd.
so,i didnt sae or talk back anything;D

actually i can slp longer de.
but then my dad was fixing the heater.
the noise was so the damm noisy.
i began to sae” can stop bo?ppl slping leh!!”

then ltr realising that it was from our hse de.
felt so guilty of saying those things.

ltr on i had my lunch and when for tuition.
which was another fun and laughter one.
althought mdam julie was late,it’s still a ok tuition for me;D

in the middle of lesson,i began to noe tat shannon,my tuition mate,is from ahmad ibrahim secondary.

then i also found out tat he was in the band &plays saxophone.
cause mdam julie sae that he was tired as he went for the competiton in the morning.
he is also a band member!!;D

ok.then goin home tat time,saw weiai and wengcheng.
weiai wanted me to get the 3 guys at breadtalk handphone number.
she kept insist me to go but i dont wan.
haha.sry weiai;D

then went home and nw i was blogging.
2moro got tuition.
3 in a row.
cause got one is make-up.
maybe will be back to blog 2moro;D
cya then;DD

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